I want to live in the past
To revel in things I knew wouldn't last
To smelll the roses
One last time
And watch my memories flasing by
Of a time when I felt happy
I smell summer
The warm clean rain
That was a time I wasn't in pain
I was free
Pitter Patter Drip
Goes the rain
Splitter Splatter Splat
Goes the pain
Screaming with joy
Yelling with hate
Oh what a world
We are bound to our fate
That was a time of sun
That was a time I knew how to run
But now Its winter
I can not run
The sun's gone away
All I ever wanted to do was play
But this is reality
And he says no
He says put on your work clothes
It's time to go
Get back to work
No time for fun
Summer time's over