the rose
the rose
that day I saw it a single rose for I should have left it there
standing all alone to share with the world its beauty
sitting with the crows but now a wilted rose I bear
in the field that's overgrown all because I viewed that rose crudely
it look rather lonely sitting there and now I sit in that field
with only the crows and weeds watching all its beauty fade to just a ray
I approached the rose that held my stare using ignorance as my shield
my expectation of beauty it supersedes for on the ground the rose I lay
as I gaze upon it I wonder then I stood
who left it here and I walk away
as I sit and ponder now I finally understood
are there others near true beauty is already where it should stay
then as I watched the rose
suddenly I noticed the stem
when I saw it immediately i froze
for there was no thorn upon this gem
a rose without a thorn
what a shame
for the light upon it did adorn
that rose that was not the same
so delicately the rose I picked
as careful as I could
for the stem I just barely nicked
however that rose had been misunderstood
once picked the rose began to die
and I watched its beauty fade
the crows suddenly did fly
and I knew then the mistake I had made