The Root of The Tree
Walking by midnight,
in the middle of the day,
I thought to myself how to be
existing is for the better of the mind,
How can I endure every moment
I'm lost
I'm deep
but I thought I couldn't live the future
Die with the past
I thought there was nothing left
Nothing of my life
Working for the return of my profit,
Digging deep and getting out of the rain
Embracing every opportunity
Living for my unlimited future
To those that showed me the way
Gave me the path
You will never be forgotten in my realm of dreams
Deeply inspired
My Tree of life that dug me deep
Branch out my roots
I will not beg
I will not bow
To reach the sky
Be the bird
Live on the horizon and fly to the stars
I gave up one thing, but I'm brought in
I live again
Dry up the pain and bury myself in love
Fill myself on life
I'm deep
I'm dug down
I'm to root of my tree
I'm here to stay
Never to leave
Who will you be?