Road to Success


United States
33° 10' 8.6628" N, 87° 38' 18.168" W

I've been driving down this road all my life

I managed to make a few turns her and there but I always end up back on this road

At the end, I hear it's beautiful

Which is why i strive so hard

I believe it's exciting like Cali or Brooklyn

It's full of things I love and enjoy

And happiness is everlasting

I've reached what I thought was the end a couple of times but there is always more to go

As I get closer to the end I will never forget those who supportedmy drive

There are too many names to speak

Although I've succeeded many times, there are many more to seek.



I have been writitng small poems since I was younger and I thought, why not try for a scholarship with a poem that i had to write for the Creative Writing Club at my high school.

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