

United States
38° 47' 16.2168" N, 83° 31' 42.0312" W

i use to say never say never,

Till god sent you to hell.

Now i say nothing last forever.

as i lay here to dwell.

The blood form my wrist,

falls to the floor,

the wounds form tour kisses,

are becoming so sore.

As i count the stars,

One by One,

Simliar to my scars,

The counting is never done.

I wish you were here,

Sometimes we have to say goodbye.

I love you my dear.

but love has to die.

So iput your name on a bullet,

Hold the gun to my head,

I just can't do it.

I'm laying so cold in your bed.............



omg your poem is so amazing you are really talented:)


thank you i had a very dark muse for this....my bofreind of two years died in a drunk driver crash he fell asleep in the back of a car and his bother drove off drunk..

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