Riddled Toxins (cryptogram)
Sunlight- the sun will rise- so bright, upon that which I should not be compelled to call home
Whisper’d is thy name, upon the shallow snows of a mid January’s eve
Cradle mine heart, should you not- but Lo!
But do! Oh, how you do
Hold on firmly to thine own words, do I- only might to be spoken someplace unheard
Love’d, weep no more- no more! I am blind past your tears
Haps if mourning weren’t so easily practiced as happiness in days, our inequity would not be such as is termed
Perhaps apples- so sweet under red hide, yet meaningless exceeding- define gravity
Love hath yielded all integrity, yet we, in spite of everything, are aware it can easily be instituted
O, thou hath fragile wing’d spine- Lo! No downy feathers be secured to thy skin
Babe of Gabriel, there is no need to fear hostility for your veins are satiated with my blood
Born of Gabriel’s amiable horn, was one- a voice so gripping-, was a successor- muted
Let veins be ill-twined- anon we meet upon a frozen winter dark- and we inconsiderately love
Will God be blind!- Forbid!- let God be empathetic, for Astaroth hath shown no leniency upon our being, no heed upon our birth
Lo- I fancy you.