Riaya goddess of fire, of death, of darkness and betrayal
How my heart beats for your good grace
Your beauty surpasses no mans
Your loveliness knows no bounds
Your rosy red lips are the color of fresh blood
Your hair the color of purest fire
Your eyes shine like the purest emeralds and
Yours the purest of hearts
Oh Riaya goddess of fire love and death
I worship Thee
My prayers come to your divine ears
I weep for you whenever I hear that one has betrayed thee
How can one cheat thee
Death is inescapable
But there is always that one
Your one and only beloved
The one who stole your heart but gave non of himself to you
Thy dear Nickolaus
He lied to you whenever he said he loved you
In truth, he only wanted eternal life
And his only loves
Were greed for the everafter and his lust for your dear sister
Your sister the goddess of spring, of pale roses, of lust, and knowledge
The goddess Zebet
How I enjoy his folly whenever you discovered his true loves
How he is eternally forever now a familiar feline
With the finest black fur and the most handsome yellow eyes
Your sister that daring temptress has run up into her tree
Awaiting a husband who one never sees
You my dear Riaya you relish in your triumphs
Your morn your awful deeds but you still love, cherish and hold
You plant evil seeds
Some of good deeds
Some of maliscuis ways
Oh Riaya goddess of love and fire
How I worship the
Answer my prayer
Fulfill me unto my destiny
Goddess of fire death love and betrayal.
As you sit on your throne of skulls
In your garden of death
Remember me!!!!!