Review, Rewind, Repeat
Starting from January:
I led
I learned how to be a leader
and how not to be
I spent another Valentine’s day alone….
I got a job opportunity
I existed
I got a cold
I was second-in-command
I had to learn to loosen the reins
I was excited
I took an important test
I spent all of my time on something I would not be paid for
I was sung to
I became a year older
I got through another school year
I toiled
I spent more time at the theatre than at my house
I wrote essays
I relaxed
I went to a new job and realized that I had been replaced
I muddled through
I started a new project
I was in charge of people 3 times my age
I was hurt
I was bullied and put down in the most uncivilized manner
I was praised and thanked, but not by the bully
School began
I am going in a different path
My friends and I are going separate ways and
I don’t know how to handle it.
I worked and cried and actually reached some goals
I was proud
for a moment
But the stress kept piling up
I pushed
I cried for humanity
I counted down the days
I was with family
I felt defeat
I felt nervous
Sad Anniversaries were haunting me
I spent time with family
Not all of them though
And I count down the days
To the New Year
Here’s to 2016
And the hope of a beautiful 2017
I remember the memories
Then without pause,
The cycle begins again