The Restaurant At the End of the Universe
Step into the bar and survey the scene
What is, what was, and what has yet to be
There's the lizards from the night before
And there's the body without a soul
The MC says "Ladies and gentlemen,
We've got a sight you must see to believe in.
As the dome roof rolls back into place,
Please take a look into outer space.
If you've not seen it before, please grab your seats
The world will end at a quarter to three."
Some people trembled, some people gasped
Some people struggled to get drunk for their last
Others who had been here before
Quaintly downed their drinks and ordered some more
"We've some people here from the Church of Zarquon"
The MC jeered into his microphone,
"Who want to see their prophet show up.
He'd better hurry, cause time's almost up."
Applause rang all around the bar
Except the angry followers of the Prophet Zarquon
Who sat in silence as they doubted and steamed
While the MC continued to make a scene
"He's kept you all waiting this long,
let's hope he hurries to beat the throng."
The band gave him a small pirouette
"The 'Great Prophet Zarquon's' got 8 minutes left."
The whole room went alit with a horrid light
A light bright enough to blind the night
Space was as angry as a warden in jail
The light could have blinded the Devil in Hell
Onlookers watched as Orion melted into the sun
And the fire from Ursa Minor could be seen from the pub
"Hastromil is the spot on the right
That's clealry on fire with Ultraviolet light.
Is anyone here from Hastromil?"
The MC said as he went through his spiel,
One or two hands raised from the crowd
"No need to worry if the gas is on now."
The whole thing was a horrific sight
When suddenly appearing from stage right
The Prophet Zarquon was a sight to see
Who was propmtly handed a mic by the MC
"Er, how are we for time?" was all he could say
Before the Universe faded away
The pistons pounded and the engine churned
As back in time the bar was turned
It was unaffected by the End Of The Line
It didn't exist in that point of time
It was from all and every point at once
Which is why it attracted so much business at lunch
The night crowd was leaving the morning before
To make room for the lunch crowd to see the show
The MC sighed a sigh of relief
And started to move to the stage for his speech
The show would happen many times
Because there never will be The End Of The Line