Response to [UNTITLED]
There are too many beautiful women walking around with their heads
Facing south of the heavens,
Never realizing they deserve thrones.
Daughters of kings disguised as
Night walkers and street performers. Might as well have signs
Hanging from their breasts
With flashing lights pointing
To their lower shadows
Welcoming newcomers
Like air traffic control.
But pretty lady I want you to know
Your body is not a landing strip
You don’t have to be run into
Or run down
Just for the seldom chance
That a pilot might notice
The spark in you that shines in the darkness.
You are better than that.
You are diamonds and grace
Your worth is infinite,
So act like it.
You once told me
"You were better than the remains
you had scavenged after others
had thrown away what they didn’t want."
And you sat with me
As we cursed the willingness of a woman
To forget her worth for love.
The nerve of a woman to dismiss herself
For scraps of picked over men.
Once upon a time
You would have settled for
Far more than the position he
Let you have in his life.
Girl, we're too young to settle
To wild to be caged
Never known a wild animal
To welcome confinement so easily
I remember you,
You were something wild and free.
But these days
You seem to coexist with the
Idea of putting your freedom on hold
And living in love with your cage.