In the spirit of cool waters flowing westward from the Blue Nile; we resist. We resist the temptation to be sub or superhuman. We resist the urge to look upon the the romantic path of our past in order to combat the constant onslaught of inferiority. We won't define ourselves and neither will you. We resist the victimization akin to the disenfranchised and exploited. We resist the temptation of self-destructive habits and criminogenic behaviors. We resist hopelessness. We resist the norms, mores, and value assumptions of the intellectual ghetto of the West. We resist the captivation of intellectual show and tell. We resist the political pomp an circumstance of nominated actors. This is your last stage. We resist the formalities and protocol of false charity, paternalism, and pious philanthropy. We resist your parasitic pedagogy and your shock value education. We resist your insulting notion of multiculturalism and when all else fails, we will still resist...