Request to Change


United States
43° 18' 54.6516" N, 70° 56' 12.6492" W

Stopped in a chair
Legs crossed and brows arched
Across from me
A woman with a contemptuous air
To match her pose
I tried my best
But her condescending tone
I could not compose
I made a request
To drop a simple class
That I confess
Had me all kinds of distressed
But no no no
Her soft voice answered
You must not give up
No matter how slow
I tapped my foot
For I had no patience
For district games and rules
Which I knew were afoot
A new one came
A man in suit and tie
He shook my hand
Then he told me his name
He then explained
For if I gave up
It would open the gates
Letting waters run unrestrained
My impatience grew
As I explained
It was my own choice
But from them, my voice withdrew
Sorry, said he
That I could not say
What you wished to hear
While I merely wanted to flee
Two pair of eyes upon my face
Coddling and nurturing
As though I was too young
To truly understand this case
Then he left
Surely to
Disappoint a new student
And leave them in a chair bereft
So I rose from my seat
Jaw clenched
Body rigid with fury
Face burning with red heat
I flew from that room
Wishing desperately
That somehow, someway
My anger could them consume
To calm my mind
My soul did lift
To attempt a song
That so did wind
It soothed me not
For my anger grew
At this unreasonable force
I had just fought
The freedom to choose
I had been promised
Was stolen away
By a simple bruise
For now my anger away
Only this poem may console
My impatient mind
That hated to obey
A poem may comfort
The request required to abort
A voice made to contort
Despite all of my tireless effort


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