Repeat the Memories
Have you ever felt that feeling,
Where time flies way too fast?
You're only half way through your freshman year,
And you're already looking back.
Was there ever a moment,
When you thought it'd never end?
We laughed too much and we stayed up late, and,
Now we're saying "Remeber When?"
And you realize now, you're screaming,
Remind me of that feeling,
Take me back, when things were easy,
Pause that; play back; repeat the memory.
You look back now, and you see,
And take it back to when we,
We talked to much, we were crazy,
Pause that; play back; repeat the memory.
As you flip through pictures past,
You come across one of them.
Your best friends lined up across your screen,
And you're praying that this won't end.
You flip through a handful more,
And then there's one of him.
Remember how it felt to be in Love,
Now you're saying, "Remember When?"
And you realize now, you're screaming,
Remind me of that feeling,
Take me back, when things were easy,
Pause that; play back; repeat the memory.
You look back now, and you see,
And take it back to when we,
We talked to much, we were crazy,
Pause that; play back; repeat the memory.
And then your phone rings,
And you're remembering,
More memories start to spin.
You believed in karma,
And there's drama,
And you'll remmeber it.
And you realize now, you're screaming,
"Remind me of that feeling!"
Take me back, when things were easy,
Pause that; play back; repeat the memory.
You look back now, and you see,
And take it back to when we,
We talked to much, we were crazy,
Yeah, we made mistakes, we fell in love,
We stayed up late, we laughed so much,
We talked too much, we were crazy,
Pause that; play back;
And, Repeat the memories.