That's what my life is.
Both unworthy of note
And critically important
To this world.
We all are, in a way.
Few become the
Over saturated faces
And voices of those
People we call to mind
When someone says
"Genius" or "influential"
Yet every action has shaped
The society
The very ground we
Walk upon
To become the ever changing
Sphere it is at present.
I myself am nothing
But a student of this
Great wide world.
I have many small talents
Skills that are far enough
Above the average
To merit some recognition
And yet I refuse
To settle into any one
Area of expertise
To burrow down into its comfortable quirks
And live my life engulfed
In specificity.
Instead, I do it all
And record my wanderings
In line and song
All the while gaining understanding
As to what
Existence means
In context.