My Future Me
My Future Me
I have dreams.
I have goals.
I have aspirations.
I am a leader.
I am a Christian.
I am a musician.
I am independent.
I am a believer.
I am passionate.
I am caring.
I am the best I can be.
I live everyday to its fullest.
I work hard to get the job done.
I always look for the best in others.
I love to help people.
I hope to succeed in the future.
I won’t let others get me down.
I am me.
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I am a flower
I am a rose
Soon to be cast out of my shell
I am worthy to be loved and saved out of the misery sourronding me, called hell.
I rise with poewr
Not because I am a flower
But because of sobriety
I have the strength to defeat any enemy
So please DO NOT try me!
People come and go, now that I know
I admit it, I use to blow
Back wheeen I considered myself a legeeend,
But in reality it was really the end.
Consumed in trauma and superficial drama
There was no sense of sense and all I needed was my mamma
"Mamma mamma, Will I be ok?" "Will I make it?"
The slithering sound of fear took over my dignity
My dogmatic values almost washed down the drain
And now I was in so much pain.
Recovery mode was prayer on the daily,
And yes, even when I got lazy.
Slowly emerging from small apartments to large houses
"Here I come, I am not going anywhere." My personality roared.
Sixteen equaled me proudly
Prayer equaled no sight of an enemy
And track equaled me less hungry.
"Im alive." Those thoughts ringered in my ear
It was clear that "Who I was" was near.
Now every year equals no fear
I am here, I am near and most imporantly
I am me.