Red, White, and Blue
Red, blood dripping down the backs of my Ancestors
The crack of the whip is no match for them.
Red, the color of anger
The anger I feel to this day,
The disbelief that something like this could happen
In my country.
White, pure.
The scrubbing till my arms and legs turned splotchy and red
Hoping to wash off the color of my skin.
The color that is undesirable and a curse.
Land of the free, home of the brave
Hands up, don’t shoot.
Blue, the uniforms of those who are supposed to protect us.
The color that covers up the white hoods hidden below.
Blue, the sadness my community feels
When another one of us is taken too soon.
America, one day
Oh, one day we will all live in peace
Our country will be waves upon waves of brown, black, and white.
I, we, will not be afraid to step foot outside.
My dream, the American dream, to live in peace and harmony
One day, it will be more than a dream
It will be a reality.