All I saw was red
A woman who came
in the name of love
could not leave
acting as if I were to drop
down a cliff any minute
Yes, I believe in the Christian God
but it was not my God who made her prowl
on my very being
My cards were on the table
and it was that reason only
that she felt the need to harass me
I couldn't say no,
couldn't drive her away,
no matter my discomfort she persisted
All the while my heart stopped in my throat
and blood filled my mouth as I bit my tongue
I thought of the so-called Christians
who shamed me for liking girls
the ones who screamed
the ones who called me a demon
and for once in my life I was scared
I thought of my mother
and the hate that spews from her heart
thought of the people who look at me in disgust
and I only saw red