Here goes the under goer bypassing and shedding skin into new light that was only evident between seas of shadow. But as oppose to the useless struggle traveling into void of confusion. Answers seeping out of more obvious pores oozing rather than the cob webs tightening, even with a frightening truth it fees better than a sticky lie of the immediate. Feels better, feels stronger, feels worth more, feels longer. In the LNG run the song was fun to write, but thinking back a heart attack could make the plates fall out onto the floor wasting money what's the point of doors? Coming in going out, coming down and going up, it's so upsetting to think those days are gone but as long as they are there they're not who their pretending to be, but stop offending me and don't pretend to be a friend to me because now it's just a memory...forget me not Or forget me less the best is yet to come as they say but try to embrace a good day for what it's worth, no day is a bad day as the dads say... In conclusion don't make the mistake of rationalization, and don't forget of moderation. Recover, especially when falling through a wider doorway then once was before.