Rebel, Rejoice, Repeat

Fri, 07/05/2013 - 09:33 -- Zach


Tahrir Square

Come down! Come down! They scream in the streets.

Everyone don't be afraid! Come down and raise your voices.

O Egyptians come down and leave your houses,

it's time to bring down another dictator.

He has taken your electricity, your water, and now your gas.

Hurry and join the revolution before he takes your country.

Revolution is the only way,

the only way to remove this corrupt man.

Just like the last corrupt man we will remove him too.

He was bad but this man is much worse.

That man killed our people and ruled for 30 years,

tortured, kidnapped, and oppressed us.

But this man has committed greater evils.

He gives our electricity to people who have no heat at night,

he gives our water to people who are dying of thirst,

and now he gives our gas to people who have none!

Come down before he destroys this country more!

Come down and revolt so we can have true democracy.

Come down so we can vote again and bring in a new president,

Surely he will fix this mess... Come down!



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