The reason Why I write ?

The question asked is quite simple 

i write because its me choosing to let the words on my mind free.

writing entertains me 

To paint a picture with a simple object held in my hand is something that's 

Truly amazing.

A stroke of the hand a swish of the pen ( perfect harmony ) 

writing just apart of me . 

I write I'm guilty  it's something I love to do.  If my words are strong enough 

They would probably speak to you 

 I want words written down to be read 

its something to write but it means more when others can read it 

knowing the words that are flying out of my head 

can be judge and improved  gives me a reason why I stand behind what I do 

writing just gives me a way to show you the vision I see 

A place no one can be but me 

Writings a element used to express ones  personality 

So thank you for the opportunity. 


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