The real me
Without a filter you see my flaws
I’m not the most beautiful girl in the world
But I’m the best version of me
Behind the filters you see the real me
Not who they want me to be
Look into my eyes and you will really see
Erase the filters all these color effects
See the look in my eyes?
Life has knocked me down and I’ve risen again and again
You can see my tired eyes of the tears I have shed
But when you look at my smile you see the hope
A smile that appears to make days great for everyone
Then you hear my laughter
Because sometimes it’s better to laugh than cry
A laugh that makes life worth living
If I didn’t hide my stomach you would really know
I lost myself and let myself go
But if you could really see then you’d know
I’m finding myself and looking better for myself
To love others you must love yourself
If you could see into my mind you’d know me
The thoughts of a daughter, a sister, a student and a worker
Someone who wants to achieve success to make her mother proud
Who has so many dreams and aspirations she needs all the clouds in the sky