Real Beauty and where to find it

You can't explain the beauty of the stars to a City girl.

She is surrounded by light, that is all she sees.

She can not understand why you gaze upon them nightly like clockwork anytime you can because the light of Time Square drowns it all out.

You can not explain the beauty of the stars to an NYC girl.

Not ungrateful...

Not taking anything for granted...

It's just not special to her, because she lights up enough to cancel out those miniscule natural night lights.

She herself is a fiery ball that glows heavy into the night.

And close enough to take your breath away.

Toxic gases will do that to you.

You can't explain the beauty of the night sky to me anymore.

The things I've seen are more intoxicating.

I've been drowned out by light before.

But I'm no city girl.

I was born and raised in the suburbs.

I was born craddled and coddled.

I was born without so much as a pep in my step, a honk in my car.

I was born with cares and concern.

When you meet an NYC girl, you lose your patience trying to get wherever she is.

You'd die to get a hold of her, toxic gases would do that to you.

A NYC girl is a thief because I used to know the beauty of a well-lit sky.

A NYC girl is a muse because I used to know the beauty of a well lit sky.

But there is day-round beauty to be had my friend.

Don't settle.


This poem is about: 
My family


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