
Sat, 10/20/2012 - 22:10 -- tlc773


United States
42° 43' 37.434" N, 84° 28' 25.3272" W

Ummm....Lost...not found, lost...not looked for. Not wanted, not loved, made out of evil, shame, and hurt. Buried under the world. Under drug, sex, money. Fake love, fake people....but real pain. Real tears, real heart but nothing to love, nothing to do, no one to hold. Seen as an object, as a toy. Not as a queen or a princess or a human..but a monkey, a blond, brainless and dead. Born to live free, to rise high, but an angel that has never touched the sky. Wind, air, oxygen, breath, blood, bones, cold nights, cold days, warm evenings. Dead colors, no sun. Never born, never hear, never real, plastic doll, fake, with one emotions, one smile, little movement but real pain. Darkness within darkness, tears within tears, pain within pain!!! Dark outlook on the world. Every emotion all fake, never real. Nothing is ever real.....but real pain. Where can I find her? where is she? who is she? Why must she hide and be replaced by this fake person made by the world? Umm.....Lost....not found, lost and not looked for. Lost and in pain, the only thing, that is real.


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