Reaching the Top
I have endeaverd on a journey in hopes to climb till we win,
and granted I am young, and this journey to just begin.
But I feel I've climbed mountains, but yet I must climb on,
because I have a goal and the journey still is long.
Ive faced adversity, a family and a farm,
But there is a desire in my bones, no matter the harm.
There are children who have it worse than I,
and to teach these children creativity, is the song
that lingers in my heart and is what I hear cry.
With out creativity, problem solving becomes a triffle
and instead of negotiating, they will rather grab the riffle.
I'd rather teach your children that race is only skin deep,
and by painting with all the colors, a large reward they'll reap.
But how will they know that? if the teacher tells them how to draw,
instead of making up their own minds, they become brainwashed by the law.
I am here to set them free, and that is why I climb,
because I want them to know, their own ideas are prime.
If we loose our thinkers, we loose our country too.
Then who will solve these problems for America and me and you?
I need to climb to the top, and get that final digree,
so that I can teach what every student should be taught: creativity.
But creativity comes only with freedom and freedom with a righteous law,
who will fix our problems if the next generation has a flaw?
I am climbing as fast as I can to bost your children up,
who will help them find their path? and lift their colors up?