Rats! Mine poetic submissions once again deemed floccinaucinihilipilification



Countless declined submissions of mine,
tipping scales massive
Earth Atlas shrugged,
(he nonchalantly shouldered
1.317 × 10^25 lbs)

sends storied ambition plummeting

millstone yoked neck analogous
to bajillion pound weight
thus yours truly
doth modify expectations

absolute zero prospect,
(nee negative infinity)
I will posthumously
attain poet laureate status
within human league,

asper dignified luminaries
comprising cognoscenti pantheon
posthumously storied authors
renown unto posterity,
yet ever since disembarking...

fashioning, finagling, forging
building blocks of English Language
humble mission courtesy this wordsmith
never sunk entrenched ambitions
into virtual sea constituting briny deep

wide whirling webbed waters
intent to reel eyes,
neither fame nor fortune,

but wield unique signature
this landlubber mentally laboring

to heft cumbersome words
chiseling, fitting (jigsaw puzzle pieces)
interlocking snuggly, asper
analogous mortise and tenon,
or (sometimes forcefully jamming)

multisyllabic deeply oceanographic
flowingly, trending intrinsically quixotic
harmonically sympathetic...
to affect pacific effect,
nonetheless attempt to launch,

albeit figuratively shipshape anchored

literary endeavor metrically sponge
bobbing (with square pants) along
gently down stream of consciousness
side stepping excessively

indignant, flagrant, arrogant...

undertones, yet present
political perturbations pain

this doubting Thomas unitarian,

whose outlook good n plenti grim,

especially insatiable thirst

about global/world events
can barely be slaked!


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