Rape in the Congo
A childhood shattered
As armed men in camo
Burst through my front door
What had we done wrong?
We lived normally
We weren’t criminals
My mother and sister were captured
My father humiliated
I ran
As fast as I could
Tried to escape this world of pain
Ran until I was gasping for air
But there was none there
How could I possibly escape?
To whom could I turn?
My world was reeling around me
How could a human do this?
How is this justifiable?
My life ruined all for a mineral
Used in a cell phone
When did rape become a war tactic?
When did your wants overcome my rights?
My right to life
That is what you are taking from us
You are sucking it out of us with every message you send
Make that message count
It’s life or death
My life
My death
We are all human