A Quiet Place

Sat, 10/20/2012 - 20:48 -- dy1789


United States
33° 40' 7.1364" N, 84° 7' 58.656" W

A Quiet Place

Silence equates peace or pure destruction
Solitude introverted he best functions
But never confined mind is entwined with insightful rhymes
Lonely road but he meets himself at every junction
Self reliance and a kind defiance, he virtues
His rejoice in the peace and quiet, protrudes
Every night he self reflects on what’s to take place next
Hours upon hours, then he lays rest
So the knowledge may not regress
He dreams of serene scenes
Messages of deep meanings accompanying
The will of his every being just to comprehend
And he does this till the very end
That’s his quiet place.


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