
Fear of the outcome

Fear of the threat

Fear of whatever hasn't happened yet.

Afraid to be tested

Refuses to send message

Afraid of asking THE QUESTION.

Wants to escape the chains that's held on to it for so long

Wants to get rid of a burden that's been on their mind so long.

Each time when given the chance  to open the gates and spread their wings wide...

It recedes faster than you can blink an eye.

If you ask why, that means you know not the power of THE QUESTION.

THE QUESTION can change anyone's fate.

It can bring tears of joy, or feelings of sorrow

It makes the Bearer of the THE QUESTION fear tomorrow.

It can result in gain or prove a very hard loss.

No matter the emotion, THE QUESTION has a big cost

Do not underestimate  the power of THE QUESTION

Don't judge someone who is afraid to ask.

They have good reason to fear that it might be the last

The QUESTION is something everyone has to conquer

It is something that lies inside of  us all

It can come from anything and anyone

It is one of those things we must overcome, in order to stand tall.



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