Darkness creeps upon us having set its cruel talons in our skin, in our lives to tear us apart from the inside, to drive a wedge in our relationship, an action that cant let be done, I must stop the prince, the king, of all that is malevolent, ruin our love, so when you look at me with those tears in your eyes I embrace you and tell you every thing is okay, that nothing will tear us apart, to not fear because I wont let him touch a single lock of your beautiful hair, my dear for if he wants to lay a single one of his gnarled fingers upon you, he will have to go through me, a feat that will nigh impossible, so my dear you have not fear the prince, the king, of darkness and malevolence, for he will not get through me, for I swore to protect you from this worlds monsters and demons that wish ill actions upon you my dear lovely princess, so let your tears flow, not one of sadness but ones of relief and happiness, for you have not fear the evil that walk this world, the terror that rein upon the inhabitants of this world with their tyrannical rule, so I shall raise my head and prepare to defend you from all evils as long as you will stay beside me, my dearest, sweetest, most beautiful love, so stay with me and be my queen and I will be your knight, your unbreakable wall that keeps the evil of this world from you,... so my dearest, sweetest, angelic, queen let me be your protector, your savior, your lover, I ask you to grant this one request to let me reciprocate my love and gratitude for all you've done for me, so please let me repay you my,…. queen