My heart beats fast like a Bugati
Every time thoughts of you zooms past my mind like Ferrari
Yea, I love cars
But not as much as I love you
Baby you are fine
Many men May-say-dis (Mercedes),
But none will tell you this
“you’re the most beautiful woman in my world”
The most beautiful I could ever notice
You’re like a King’s daughter
Arrayed in a variety of beautiful colors
Like the several models of Toyota
We two can be come a formidable one
Like Path-Finder
Be my Path
While I be the Finder
Like Range-Rover
You’re the Range
I’m the Rover
Like Land-Cruiser
Be the Land
Let me be the Cruiser
I’ll cruise you to a safe harbor
We’ll live together in peace and Harmony like two lovely Neighbors
O baby, be my Rolls
Let me be your Royce
Together we will be Rolls-Royce
Believe me, I’m no longer one of those play Boiz!
Let’s infect the world with our love,
Cos’ the world is starved of true love
And many men can’t afFORD it!
If this love is from above
Let me stay Honda this love ride
Baby, all I wanna say is “would you B.M.W?”
I said “Would you Be-My-Wife?”