It is evident that the country is fighting for a change
Racial equality is still an issue in our nation
With the election of President Barack Obama, we are finally seeing a progression in the right direction
But, there is a lot more work to do
African-Americans as a race, we have a lot more work to do
We should encourage each other to strive for success
We should encourage each other to show the world that we are not all about shoes and clothes
We should encourage each other to put education in the forefront of our minds
We should encourage each other that, like Dr. Martin Luther King, that we also want to see our dream for racial equality and peace become a reality
Let us move forward
Stop the violence
Stop the boasting
Start the path so that our children will never have to racial discrimination
Let us remember where our forefathers started from and how they fought and how they marched for us to have a better life in this divided country that we reside in
Let that motivate us to strive to be the best
It all starts with knowing where we came from
It all starts with knowing where we are trying to go
Let us follow President Obama's example by fighting against all odds to see his dream become a reality
Let us follow Rosa Parks' example by fighting against all odds to see that African-Americans are treated fairly
Let us follow Dr. King and continue to fulfill his legacy of living in a peaceful America along with our sons and daughters, and our grandsons and granddaughters, as well as our nieces and nephews.
Let us strive for progression
... Racial progression.