Producing My Dream
Sit back, relax, be quiet in the theater and enjoy this flick because the story that’s read will dilate your pupils with a scripted visual sense of purpose.
Three, two, one fade to image, hello it’s I direction,
Which was the name given to me by others but had no understanding of what it was,
So I decided to switch to a nick name putting my real identity on standby until purpose as my new name persuaded other so good, it became permanent.
I tried using my new name to take meaning to every job I did, my cores rough palms with ten bendable extensions still couldn’t cut it, at least half of the nonsense I was doing could not give me one point.
On the other hand taking those other four misleading extension I called work, left me again with that last index of purpose in life. That last chance I could not waste,
So I made it my goal to produce a new meaning for my life, casting the characters of creativity, ambition, focus and faith to orchestrate the black smooth lines on my pad, cursively pin pointing my does and don’ts, likes and dislikes.
But like everything that is planted takes those seconds, minutes and hours to grow with a purpose and my seed of characters blossomed into dream job of television and film producing.
Education taught me about time, time plus education brought my hunger which is fed from academic leaders.
Pushing past the general limitations of those ones who only seek what’s in front and not pushing the envelope.
Innovators who did what others didn’t do, in the odds of failure in addition to more failure equates that negative into positive are my educators.
The method of choice would be having the proper equipment to scale the wall of finance, rather than seeing the scale grow from the weight of the walls swelling.
Even with the hands who elevate me from hitting rock bottoms, give me that solid foundation of faith that one day a prayer request. Would be the same request a genie could grant.
Through the parallel beams marked with education and entrepreneur are my weapons to fight my way to the topic in the motion pictures. Until I am the last one on camera standing in accomplish as my right fist is in motion on the rise stating I did it. Fin