A Prisoner Unbound
You say you’d like a poem
To explain just why I write
So I thought hey! I’ll show ‘em
There’s no recipe? Right?
I’ll guess as to criteria
Flow: naturally
Relatable: I feel ya!
But we all know it’s opinion
Poetry’s an art
To each his intuition
So why judge from the start?
Mulberries fly high
Ladders crumble
Let hot blackness die
As tiny tissues tumble
Don’t you see?
I write to make sense
Out of what can’t be
When life is worth two cents
My thoughts dispersed
Reality detected
Confusion rehearsed
Brokenness reflected
I write to satisfy
The pain and anger
The madness
Endless hunger
Hoping to feel
Hoping to smile
When words heal
My thoughts finally filed
And so, I am a colorful breeze
A visible sound
A battle seized
A prisoner unbound