Pride Is Expensive As F***
Pride Is Expensive As F***
by Tim Hargrow
Everything is awesome!
Pride Is awesome!
The best part about our pride,
Is how it’ll break us down, before we blossom.
Pride put me up on a high horse.
It gave me an “Air Head” so I could fly more.
It guarded me from my teacher’s sound advice,
my Education became an Ego fest, like a pride war.
So I dropped out.
Everything is awesome at 9,
but I’m exhausted by 5.
At least now I hold the leash on my time.
But where the f*** is my pride?
Stress is Awesome!
Cigarettes blossomed.
I had to water my pride,
So I dug to rock bottom
I realized there’s no wealth in this freedom.
Now Pride can’t help me when I need him.
I now gaze upon road blocks,
& zero steps to supersede them.
With pride nowhere to be found,
I marvel at the man it has shaped me into now.
A man set to earn his freedom amongst the college bound.
If you’ve ever seen college as anything less than awesome now.
I’ll remind you…