The Price Has Been Paid
Thousands of years ago, generation after generation, people have awaited for the promised Savior to come and save the souls of man.
Kings and rulers came and went, false gods and idols failed to save and protect and still, many people awaited for the promised one.
Then 2,000 years ago as promised, the birth of a Savior who would come to save the souls of man in a world so dark and broken because of sin was fulfilled.
Jesus' birth was not only an answer to many prayers but was also an event and a miracle that would change history forever.
Matthew 1:21~ "She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins."
The Christmas season is a holiday to remember and rejoice in the birth of Jesus Christ, it is a time to remember the sacrifice that would ever be fulfilled: The cross.
The most gruesome sacrifice that would ever be paid. The most beautiful and amazing triumph over the enemy but yet the most painful agony that would be done to save you and me.
The time would eventually come when the Savior would have 7-inch nails driven through his hands and feet. A spear would be pierced to his side; a crown of throns would be struck on his head.
Luke 23:42-43~"And he said' Jesus remember when you come into your kingdom" And he said to him, 'Truly I say to you, today you will be with me paradise."
It all started with the birth of a baby boy in a manger wrapped in swaddling cloths to grow up to be the sacrifice on the cross for all people and put the tomb like no other but was the only one to rise again.
Surely the price has been paid fully; the price has been paid by a Savior who willingly. lovingly. came. died. endured. and rose again 3 days later in accordance with the scriptures.
The promised Savior whom people awaited for, is Jesus Christ who has come to save.
To him be the glory. the honor. the praise. the majesty. the power. and the dominion forever and ever.