Pretty Smile (epic poem)

Waking up in the morning

Going thro the normal routine

Turning off the alarm

Getting out of bed

Turing on the light as walk out of room

Using the bathroom

Brushing my teeth

Making the bed all nice

Getting ready for school

Putting on the designer jeans

Picking out that right shirt

Making sure the socks match

Picking out what shoes to wear

Making sure that every hair is in its place

Making sure that the foundation gets placed evenly

Open the blush

Brush on blush

Taking a looking in the mirror  

A smile

Add just a little more blush

Another smile

Adding the mascara slowly and carefully

Not messing up any of the foundation

Finally getting done

One last smile

Turning the light off as walk out

Walking up the stairs

Getting shoes on

Ready to go to school

Ride is here

Walk out to the truck

Give him a hug and a kiss

All the way to school a smile

Until we get into the building

Smile is gone

First period is over

Everyone is in the hallway

She sees him

A small smile when she is close to him

As the periods go on in the day

Her smiles only go to him

Know one sees them

School is over

Everyone is leaving the building

The smile that only he sees comes out.






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