Praise to the Elements


United States
28° 0' 49.4748" N, 81° 36' 32.3532" W

Dear kind Air,
For me, you are always there.
Your playful touch lifts my hair and caresses me;
As you give precious oxygen from within thee,
So that I may continue to live and breathe,
And from you I shall never take my leave.

Next to Fire I do turn,
For I am not afraid to burn.
You can bring pain and strife,
But you can also bring warmth and life.
You can help me rise once more,
By giving me strength and warmth within my core.

Now, to sweet Water, I do go,
To erase my fears and my woe.
I'll wash away my sadness through your cool embrace,
And find strength from the rushing rapids against the problems I face.
And since I left you with my fears,
I will not succumb to them with any tears.

To gentle Earth, I next look to,
For your plentiful gifts are more than a few.
You shelter animals with your trees and dens,
Trying to protect them from even the cruelest of men.
We call you "Mother" because of your nuturing nature,
But you are also a maiden, with beauty so pure.

Finally to Spirit, the last but not least,
For you give life to every man and beast.
In your realm, no soul is too big or too small,
For you, great Spirit, govern them all.
To all minds you try to give peace,
From the beginning of their lives to the moment they cease.

To all the elements, I thank you each,
For all your aid in the goals I must reach.
You keep the planet and everything working together,
You make nature and its beauty even better.
Though not all people appreciate your greatness,
I know you are the work of a divine god or goddess.



This is a beautiful poem! I like how you write it as if you are directly speaking to the elements, and how you have praises for each one which you show with great imagery and description. Check out "poetry writing tips" in the "resources" section of the site to find inspiration to write even more poems!


Very beautiful piece, never considered spirit as an element till today though was very interesting to say the least. Your style is very old school, classical poetry and your good at it as well. I recommend listening to some modern spoken word artists, It would be interesting to see how their styles affect your writing. I could give you a few good names if your interested.


That would be excellent, thanks. I've tried many different styles of writing poetry but for some reason my best ones are always classical in style. :)

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