The Power Of A Thought
Before I knew to train my brain on thinking thoughts that serve me
I made all actions from my friends to mean something personally
As a result, I felt betrayed when I was not invited
But the more I understood my brain those thoughts became more quiet
I practiced to never assume the worst and to focus on the facts
I practiced choosing better thoughts and it helped me feel relaxed
I stopped trying to control my friends and all my family
And took my power back when I managed thoughts responsibly
We will have hard days ahead and we also get to choose
If their lessons are nightmares or blessings - that thought is up to you
Your thoughts will make you feel - either good or bad
And the feeling creates a result in how you will react
When you react in a bad way -many may get upset
You may cause more hurt feelings resulting in regret
But if you react positively wth your heart, soul and mind
Your life will be more joyous and your brain learns to "think" more kind