Power of Love


United States
20° 13' 42.8628" N, 155° 52' 4.638" W

The Power of Love

One door is closed.
Where or when the next one opens,
No one ever knows.
That is the thrill and beauty of love.
It is what many will spend their lives
Only dreaming of.
But a diminutive amount of people know,
That a dream so august is real.
We are born with it inside,
Giving us the ability to heal.
Love will mend wounds left in us all.
It will cure broken hearts,
Both great and small.
In us has been placed a power,
One you cannot see nor hear.
And in its silence, its powerful silence,
Blows away the shields on our hearts,
The shields and doubts and fear.
The power of love is pure.
And the power of love is grand.
Help pass it on to your neighbor, your friend, a stranger
By simply taking their hand.
The love will flow from their hand to the next hand and to the heart,
And that simple act of love…
Will make the world better by far.



I think the world would be a better place if we could all start showing each other a little love. Open the door for someone, say hello to a stranger, sit next to someone who looks sad and alone. Do something to make the world a little bit better of a place to live in. Spread love.

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