Poetry, The Man I Love
I could cradle you all day long until you fell asleep in my arms
Rock you away with me in the waves like Aaliyah's lyrics
Or simply rub you across my lips like my favorite MAC lipstick
And that still wouldn't be enough to share my love for you
At the darkest hour
When the only light left was a keyboard and my mind
You allowed me to walk into a light
A light bright enough to shine and change my world around
Poetry isn't a normal man
He's something that can't be penetrated or infiltrated
It is unique in the essence that he loves me for who I am
Raw and uncut
Poetry strips me of every fabric that could layer my body
He has seen my humanity in unrefined decency
Poetry has accepted me for my flaws
Quite like the God I serve
Poetry has adopted me as the soul mate
Available to teach and show me the rules to being yourself and accepting what is
I could open a book and recite to it all the works of Hughes or Giovanni
He wouldn't be satisfied is my flows didn't essentuate the curves of my body as well
Poetry is the man I have been searching for
Only problem is, I share my love with the world
For I am in love with a man that has a gift that keeps giving.