
Sat, 04/06/2013 - 19:57 -- rrhodge


United States
35° 6' 10.98" N, 106° 31' 1.7868" W

Isn't that just writing with no rules?
The chance to speak one's mind
Without fear of wasting time
On punctuation and etiquette.
Imagine all that one could express.
Their thoughts unhindered, flowing freely.
How useful is this drabble, though?
What is there to gain from this free-flow?
I question:
Can poetry even convey a concept?
So short, so simple
Built on raw emotions
But wrapped in elusive phrasing.
The true meaning locked to everyone but the creator.
I proclaim:
Poetry is not meant to be read.
It is meant to be written.
What the reader sees is simply a by-product of what was felt.
Therefore, the purpose of poetry is to surrender to oneself.
To one's thoughts, feelings, fears, dreams
And anything and everything in-between.
All while knowing, accepting
That the only person who will understand you
Is you.



Thank you so much for writing this poem! It definitely shows what poetry and writing means to you! Thank you for sharing it was very inspirational.

What made you start writing poetry?



Thank you so much, Becca :)  Your question is a little hard to answer, though.  I feel like I've been writing poetry my whole life.  It's just natural.  I do it for peace of mind.  Writing is my way of taking all the chaos in life and organizing it!

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