Poetical Topics

Sun, 05/19/2024 - 01:53 -- Jaemak1

There is no freedom from it

Even in white lilies and organ music

There is makeup on her embalmed face

And men leering over an oak casket

She is an Ophelia 

An Evelyn McHale

Unquestionably, her death is the most poetical topic in the world

She does not write these poem for her hands have been seized by rigor mortis

Her soul has been stolen by a rigor mortis of constitution 

She does not write because she does not wish to

Why write he when she could be the muse

When she could relinquish control to the painter, the poet

She could be still forever, asleep and beautiful 

There is no freedom from his hands anyways

He will create what he wants

Even in white lilies and organ music

There is no freedom from poetical topics

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