A Poem about M.E

Hello. Good Evening. How do you do?

I am M.E and I've got something to tell you

I am eccentric in very many ways

So eccentric in fact, that I won't get the time of day

from people who dislike my difference

My "pointless talking" is nothing but a hindrance

To them, not me, but I really don't care

"I like me" is what to them I just declare

"Who cares what they think?" Is what is floating in my mind

Ignorance is bliss is just how I am designed

All that matters is my very own opinion

Such a simple concept but is hated by millions

"People are weird and different. It makes me sick"

Not my opinion, so why should I let it stick

To my thoughts and let wander around a while

Until the marinated thought is a full-course of vile

I don't. Its stupid

A thought so putrid, uncomfortable and humid

all because I cared for a thought that who did?

Not M.E, so I don't care

and that is how I am, flawless and aware


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