Plus Size Lament
5 hours.
5 hours I’ve stood in this fucking line
In the fucking heat
With 10,000 other girls who look just like me
For a stupid audition that lasted 30 fucking seconds
Breathe in
Breathe out
This is not the first time this has happened and will surely not be the last
Where to being…
“Vocal part?” I get asked
“Alto 2” I say proudly
“Oh that explains why you’re a lesbian” they say
“No, I’m lesbian because I’m attracted to women, but nice try detective jackass”
My favorite is when people tell me I would make a great Ursula
Is that because that’s the only plus size character you know?
Or is it because that’s the only alto character you know?
I love when I get told that i’d be a perfect Tracy Turnblad because she’s a plus size brunette
Well guess what,
her songs are not in my range.
Why am I not the lead in the school musical every year?
I’m not the director so I have no idea.
“Wow you’re a cheerleader?” they say
“No I just wear a uniform and follow the team around”
“You want to go to college for theatre? Is that really realistic?”
Yes. Yes it is. Why is it realistic for the girl that’s 10 sizes smaller than I am when I can do everything she can? You don’t give her shit about her dreams.
She get’s told that she would make a great Belle
And I a great Mrs. Potts
Well fuck you. I’m not a little tea pot short and stout….
I am a God damn Disney princess
Or at least that’s what I tell myself
After listening to “Good Morning Baltimore”
A trillion and a half times today
No I would not make a great Tracy Turnblad apparently
And I’ve waited for 5 hours
5 hours that I’ve stood in this fucking line
In the fucking heat
With 10,000 other girls who look just like me
For a stupid audition that lasted 30 fucking seconds.