Please stop


United States
26° 9' 30.1212" N, 98° 3' 26.748" W

How did this happen, Dear?
I keep saying please stop,
But you keep giving your punches and slaps to me,
Maybe I should have look you in the eyes before--when you spoke to me,
Then this wouldn't have happen.

Please stop hurting me,
You know I'm faithful to you and to you only,
I won't leave you,
Yet I'm scaried to enter your home every single day.

Dear, why can't I leave and have fun at the evenings,
While you can?
I'm losing my friends who are worried about me,
One by one,
while you're seeming to get new ones.

Everyone keeps telling me to please stop this dating and break up with you,
But I keep telling myself that you'll stop hitting me soon,
Only I said that a month ago.

Everyone outside looks at me shock,
before they look away,
I try my best to hide the markings--I swear Dear.
I can't blame them from looking away,
Who won't want to look at me now?
You and me both don't want to look at me ever.

I keep saying this and now these two words sound meanless,
Please stop staring at me,
Please stop me from lying to myself and help me,
Please don't hurt me Dear for asking for help.


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