You spite me by walking off
You conjure no mind to clearly or bravely
step outside the ashes of ignorance
Belief has no mind for you, having turned your back
Meaning has no feeling for you; no tolerance for you
I can see you now, loving as lovers do
Secretly pleading for something more
Wishing to the unknown for balance
Aching for what you’ve already lost
Unknowing of what it was
There is no meaning in this touch
No reason for this lust
Let the crimson curtain fall
Let it end, let it end
One more step will leave you crushed
One more rush of blood won’t save you
Tripping as the other did, drowning as you’ve learned nothing
Running from the new ghosts you’ve found
Trying to reach the crazed comfort
In an inconsistent and artificial way
Reality does not rest for you
Fate will not be kind to you
Drink away, dance away
Forget all your fears and trials that lay
Just beyond that broken window
Just inside this open flame
Leave the damaged, regain the strength
To look beyond what eyes can see
But you can’t see, although you plead
And plead you will in the future
But plead is all you will ever do
Soaked in the sunbeam of a great illusion
Stuck in the vacuum of an infinite web
Reaching out with artificial emotions
Talking though illiterate and out of breath
As for you, mockingbird,
a fragile yet spirit-driven creature
withering away, hiding behind bright colors
You seize opportunity to relinquish; to prevail
And fate is kind to you
You have all that’s needed
Although torn into pieces, some pieces singed
You find the strength to never squander
Not ever again
I know this feeling, I know it too well
I know the world is filled with endless light
But the gray is overwhelming;
The emptiness spending its nights in the hole in your heart
Its quiet echoes faint and sinking
Feeling dripping down you face
Feeling fuming from within
Conflicted, alone, pained and wounded
I come to heal, if only to be constant
If only to be but the friendliest of ghosts
I wish you knew of my care; my concern
I wish just anyone could see me as I am
My heart rings sympathy
My ears remain open
My eyes convey feeling
But contact is rare, so my feelings are wasted
But constant I’ll be
Open I’ll be
I’m sorry if my appearance renders too unkind
I try my best and I know my limits
I’ll remain a constant
I’ll remain a line
You wander too far and too long
You’ll ask those you fought with to pray for you
And I will pray because I have no hate
I pray you find old reason and lost time
Although time is not on your side
Mistakes are human,
Illusion is choice
All mistakes can be fixed
But not when on the broken path of no progress
You’ll look back and know
You’ll wake up and see one day
The past can only show you once you’ve regained your strength
Enough to grant your own plea
You’ll laugh at my words
You’ll laugh at me, if I ever spoke directly to you
You’d accuse me of ignorance; of false knowledge;
Of not truly knowing you
But wanderer,
You don’t know thou self
You can’t be free