On Playing God
I am feeble- skin tagged
Crawling from the pit of my own stomach
into my lungs
Defying my own existence in the comfort of the realm
between you and the glass which holds so many
of my faces
Six minutes for the moth in the windowsill/
Six minutes for the beekeeper’s daughter/
Six minutes for Mona Lisa in the glass box/
I, the girl whom infected the moth in the window sill,
I breathed a band of the nefarious demon’s army
(Immaculate Conception may have made sweet baby Jesus
but immaculate misconception conceived them when
Hell signed my release form)
He laid my naked body against the cold moon
and tattooed an umbilical noose around my neck
He, the puppet master of the beekeeper’s daughter,
I, the girl whom infected the moth in the windowsill
(If Father Hell checked no on the adequate census
and she was absent from roll call the next day,
is that still considered abortion?)
If La Danse Macabre can recite Everyman’s ledger
on the very scaffold that Hester Prynne’s Scarlet “A”
burgeon feminism, can the “H” in hell worm my body?
He, the creator of Mona Lisa in the glass box, the
six faced introvert, bearing the grimace of his
never land.
He, the puppet master of the beekeeper’s daughter and
I, the girl whom infected the moth in the window sill
I, the lake of fire, the lactating nipple, the hypocrite-
I am, or maybe I’m not, just Karma’s fine example