Playing the Cards We've Been Dealt
Sobbing, trying to understand
what is going on. It wasn't any
commotion or disturbance, only
a thought lost in the motion of space
forever moving in momentum
merely juxtaposed around a position
with a small inquisition.
Why do we suffer?
At a ripe age around my teens,
I realized, not a happy truth
nor a sad truth, a universal truth.
Not always the motives of my eyes,
not constantly smiled upon,
one mother and
one father. Always trying their best
to make the best with the cards
they've been dealt.
But, I get mad when things don't go *my* way.
I get sad when situations aren't in *my* favor.
Then, one overcasted afternoon,
I realized my mother and father aren't perfect,
just human like me, trying their best and
carving their path on a trip
which wouldn't end solely because mine started.
They are just people trying to make sense
out of the direction the wind blows.