The "Piper"
If I’d never came to town
In my wagon
Of valves and faucets
Of steaming stacks
And whistling pipes
Pumping out sounds and scents
To entice
Your mice
Maybe this wouldn't have happened
If you'd held up your end of the deal--
I know!
These are difficult times!
Yes, difficult times…
But this machine’s not cheap
It's fuel is a rarity
So this is no charity, dears
...A witch?
You think me a witch?
My friends, I assure you
This is a miracle
A marvel!
But no witchcraft
Just science!
If you'd just let me explain--
Well, suit yourselves…
If you won't pay directly,
I’ll make my own withdrawal
Of equal exchange
One pest for another...
So let's flip a switch
Let's make a change
Turn the smell of cheese
To fresh cake and flowers
The sound of squeaks
To music and laughter
Yes, indeed, I’ll make you pay
But I’ve made the price much steeper
And you’ll beg and plead to make it cheaper
But the sale is over
Your coupon expired
And the only item left in stock
Is my ire
Your children are gone
And perhaps you’re not wrong
To blame me
But my dears!
This is economics!
It's all give-and-take
And dog-eat-dog!
It's not difficult to decipher!
There's a role you have to play
In the free market
And that's to pay your pipers