I love you madly.. or I'm madly in love with you which one is right,
Is it your love makes me blind or your love gives me sight.
Do I tell you how much it hurts or how happy I was with you,
Do I speak of the memories or how losing you drove me to solitude.
I fell in love with your smile or I fell in love with your scars.
Is it that my heart fell more for you when we were close or was it when we were far.
Do I speak of the inspiration your love gave me,
Or how depressed I am cause you left that it has inspired my best poetry.
Is the way you laughed or the silent moments,
Where I craved your touch as your reassurance.
Was it the way you looked at me or the way you looked when you would sleep,
Where I fell in love with your eyes that so often made me weak.
It was either your affectionate ways or your full blown fits,
Or the way you would cry for no reason that turned me into an addict.
It was the scar on your chin or the dots near your eyes,
That made you seem more beautiful to my naked eye.
Or maybe it was the white dress or that black corset,
Where you were at your sexiest.
It was your red lips or was it your chapped lips,
That made kissing you hard to resist.
Oh who am I kidding its not a when, or a how, or a why I still and will always for you fall,
Its because I have no favorite and I seem to love you all.
-S. Gonzalez